The actual “story” of this issue is only three pages long. One of the Madri sneaks into Apocalypse’s lair to find out if he is considered chosen or forgotten. The rest of the issue is devoted to character profiles told from Apocalypse’s perspective. While you might think these would provide some new information about this world’s back story we haven’t seen, in fact it just sums up what we’ve already seen so far in the previous issues. And yet this was priced at $2.50 when the normal issues were $1.95.
Suffice to say I’m not going to bother recapping the profiles. What may be slightly surprising is that “chosen” does not equal “fighting for Apocalypse.” He chooses who he truly thinks is the fittest to survive rather than who agrees with him. That is pretty consistent for his character.
Chosen: Magneto and Rogue, Cyclops, Sinister, Storm, Quicksilver, Four Horsemen, Weapon X and Jean Grey, Colossus, Angel, Sabretooth and Wildchild, Bishop, Madri*
Forgotten: X-man, Havok, Northstar and Aurora, Beast, X-calibre, Human High Council, Gambit and the X-ternals, Charles Xavier
* The Madri are chosen but then quickly switched to forgotten on the last page when Apocalypse kills the idiot for snooping. Really I don’t know what else he expected.
Obviously this issue is not much more than an art gallery, though nearly all the art is stuff we’ve seen previously. It’s a cash grab, nothing more. I was one of the suckers who fell for it back in the day, probably hoping to get more details like some of the previous guidebooks I had purchased had contained, but instead was left with nothing but a recap of stuff I already knew. It’s the risk you often take as a comic book fan.
In an effort to speed things along, the remaining reviews will contain both issue #s 3 & 4 at the same time. I imagine that means they’ll be a little longer, but it also means I’ll be done with this project before the end of the year. That part makes me happy at least.